Source code for businessdate.businessrange

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# businessdate
# ------------
# Python library for generating business dates for fast date operations
# and rich functionality.
# Author:   sonntagsgesicht, based on a fork of Deutsche Postbank [pbrisk]
# Version:  0.5, copyright Wednesday, 18 September 2019
# Website:
# License:  Apache License 2.0 (see LICENSE file)

from .businessperiod import BusinessPeriod
from .businessdate import BusinessDate

[docs]class BusinessRange(list): def __init__(self, start, stop=None, step=None, rolling=None): """ class to build list of business days :param BusinessDate start: date to begin schedule, if stop not given, start will be used as stop and default in rolling to :class:`BusinessDate() <BusinessDate>` :param BusinessDate stop: date to stop before, if not given, start will be used for stop instead :param BusinessPeriod step: period to step schedule, if not given 1 day is default :param BusinessDate rolling: date to roll on (forward and backward) between start and stop, if not given default will be start **Ansatz** First, `rolling` and `step` defines a infinite grid of dates. Second, this grid is sliced by `start` (included , if meeting the grid) and `end` (excluded). All dates will have same **convention**, **holidays** and **day_count** property as **rolling**. """ # set default args and build range grid start, stop, step, rolling = self._default_args(start, stop, step, rolling) schedule = self._build_grid(start, stop, step, rolling) # push to super and sort super(BusinessRange, self).__init__(set(schedule)) self.sort() @staticmethod def _default_args(start, stop, step, rolling): if stop is None: stop = start start = BusinessDate() start.convention = getattr(stop, 'convention', None) start.holidays = getattr(stop, 'holidays', None) start.day_count = getattr(stop, 'day_count', None) if step is None: step = BusinessPeriod(days=1) if rolling is None: rolling = start # make proper businessdate objects start = BusinessDate(start) rolling = BusinessDate(rolling) stop = BusinessDate(stop) step = BusinessPeriod(step) return start, stop, step, rolling @staticmethod def _build_grid(start, stop, step, rolling): # setup grid and turn step into positive direction grid = list() step = step if rolling <= rolling + step else -1 * step # roll backward before start i = 0 while start <= rolling + step * i: i -= 1 # fill grid from start until end current = rolling + step * i while current < stop: if start <= current < stop: grid.append(current) i += 1 current = rolling + step * i return grid
[docs] def adjust(self, convention=None, holidays=None): """ returns adjusted :class:`BusinessRange` following given convention For details of adjusting :class:`BusinessDate` see :meth:`BusinessDate.adjust`. For possible conventions invoke :meth:`BusinessDate().adjust() <BusinessDate.adjust>` For more details on the conventions see module :mod:`conventions <businessdate.conventions>`) """ adj_list = [d.adjust(convention, holidays) for d in self] del self[:] super(BusinessRange, self).extend(adj_list) return self